- backwardation
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Le dictionnaire commercial Français-Russe. - RUSSO . R. Giraud. 2002.
Le dictionnaire commercial Français-Russe. - RUSSO . R. Giraud. 2002.
Backwardation — is a futures market term: the situation in which, and the amount by which, the price of a commodity for future delivery is lower than the spot price, or a far future delivery price lower than a nearer future delivery. One says that the forward… … Wikipedia
Backwardation — Backwardation, manchmal auch inkorrekterweise als backwardization bezeichnet, ist ein Zustand auf Future Märkten, bei welchem Verträge, die ihrem Enddatum näher liegen, zu höheren Preisen gehandelt werden als Verträge, die noch länger laufen. Der … Deutsch Wikipedia
Backwardation — Back war*da tion, n. [Backward, v. t. + ation.] (Stock Exchange) The seller s postponement of delivery of stock or shares, with the consent of the buyer, upon payment of a premium to the latter; also, the premium so paid. See {Contango}. Biddle.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Backwardation — (engl., spr. Bäckwärdeschn), bei Staatspapieren Zinsen, welche der Verkäufer noch tragen muß … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Backwardation — (engl., spr. bäck ŭardēsch n), beim Handel mit Wertpapieren die noch vom Verkäufer zu tragenden Zinsen; dann soviel wie Deport (s. d.). An der Londoner Börse ist B. der übliche Ausdruck für das Ausleihen von Effekten von einer Liquidation zur… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Backwardation — (engl. Bäckwardäschn), bei dem Handel mit Staatspapieren die dem Verkäufer noch zufallenden Zinsen … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
backwardation — A market condition in which futures prices are lower in the distant delivery months than in the nearest delivery month. This may occur when the costs of storing the product until eventual delivery are effectively subtracted from the price today.… … Financial and business terms
Backwardation — A market condition in which futures prices are lower in the distant delivery months than in the nearest delivery month. This situation may occur in when the costs of storing the product until eventual delivery are effectively subtracted from the… … Financial and business terms
Backwardation — A theory developed in respect to the price of a futures contract and the contract s time to expire. Backwardation says that as the contract approaches expiration, the futures contract will trade at a higher price compared to when the contract was … Investment dictionary
backwardation — noun The situation in a futures market where prices for future delivery are lower than prices for immediate (or nearer) delivery. Generally arising from a near term shortage of a commodity. 1991: gold has never gone into backwardation in any… … Wiktionary
Backwardation — … Википедия